What took so long, you might ask? Well, there have been numerous changes to our website! Here is what's different with the site and what's different with
1. The first thing you may have noticed is that we have an "800" number in the top right corner
for the site. You can call that anytime to book a trip with us, ask questions about trips or destinations or just to say hello! (877)-
JSP-9876 or (877) 577-9876
2. Our trips have changed completely! We got rid of the old trips and added some fresh new ones.
Check them out.
3. We no longer send you to third-party websites to book your trips. That's right, we became a full-service travel agency and now book the trips for you! You can fill out a form after clicking "Book This Trip" on the details page of a trip or just call us to discuss your wants and needs!
4. You'll continue to see small changes to the site going forward, but we're done with the large projects, so feel free to
browse the site!
We now can take you or your business anywhere in the world. We are not confined to the trips you see online. These are only a sampling. If you don't see a trip you like,
email us or call us (877) JSP-9876 or (877) 577-9876
Thanks for being patient while we changed almost everything!