Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Paris on Sale!

As part of an ongoing effort to stay a world power in the fashion industry, Paris has begun an aggressive compaign to market itself as such. "Soldes of Paris" or Sales of Paris is the French way of saying, "Please come here during the winter when we usually don't have many tourists so we can get out of this recession business and get back to real fashion."

In other words, Paris is on sale during the winter so take advantage by getting over there and finding these opportunities! You're not going to get many chances to find cheap fashion in Paris, so take advantage while you can. Check out starting November 23rd to get a clearer picture of the program. Currently, there are hundreds of hotels and shopping boutiques participating in the program.

Make sure tobrowse our trips to Paris or if you're interested elsewhere, have a look at all of our trips!

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