Yes, exotic Latvia with its...... ummmm ...... its ...... fertile soil and good ports? After extensive research, I must admit Latvia doesn't seem to have too much going for it. I don't want to offend any natives or people who enjoy visiting (for some reason), but I just can't find too much going on in this country. Let's at least start with a history lesson and some fun facts and see where that takes us!

Latvia lies on the Baltic Sea and is bordered by Estonia, Lithuania and Russia to name a few countries. Its people are most similar to the Estonians and Lithuanians as the share a common Baltic heritage. Also, Lithuania and Latvia are the only two places in the world where the people practice Baltic langauges. After WW2, Latvia became a part of the USSR until its collapse in 90's when the Soviets left Latvia. YAY! This country of 2.3 million people seems to have its location as its only resource, though. As a great land and sea connection between east and west Europe, Latvia has built up some large ports.

Culturally speaking, Latvia had an culture of the arts including folklore music from over a thousand years ago. There has been some resurgence of the arts since the Soviets left town but outside of some cheese, log cabins and some museums I could not find anything else! So, my recommendation is to skip Latvia unless you are a sea captain of some sort carrying goods to Russia.
Maybe you know more about Latvia. Maybe you live there and want to tell me why I am ass for speaking about your country this way! Well tell me, please! We look forward to hearing from you.
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