Friday, August 14, 2009

Which Greek Isle is MY Greek Isle?

That is a great question. The answer is, ALL OF THEM, in some way, shape or form. We are currently planning a trip to Greece in June of 2010 and this is as good a blog for me as for all of you. Here's why all of them might be right for you: they all offer an array of variation. Depending on the time of year, you can expect a great variation of weather from hot and dry to windy and cool. Also, once you get to these islands, there's a lot for travelers to do. You can sunbathe on Greece's infinite beaches, visit other-worldy villages remiscent of another time, find acheological treasures from ancient Greece and Rome, go on swimming, diving or scuba jaunts, or find yourself all alone on a relatively deserted island. There's a wide range of activities to choose from. Which ones are yours?

Leaving from Athens, you can reach an island that has what you are looking for pretty easily. How? Well, plane for the major islands like Crete, Santorini and Mykonos or boat for hundreds more. Greece has a relatively antiquated ferry system that can be daunting for some or be and great adventure for others. Depending on the island or islands you decide on, there are ferries that leave on a definitive schedule or could leave you stranded another 24 hours. That's part of the fun, though!

Let's go back to activities and focus on the three main islands, though. Crete is the largest island (as big as our large states in the U.S.) in Greece and has all the activies I mentioned before. The nightlife is decent and could leave you yearning from Mykonos if you are a partier. Otherwise, it's a great one-stop shop for everything you could dream of in a Greek Island. Speaking of Mykonos, this is a amazingly fun hotspot for Greeks and international travelers alike. While you won't get as much of the old-time feel of the other islands, rest assured, there's no lacking for something to do. Be ready to stay up all night, dancing at the discos. Santorini is similar, though isn't AS aggressive as Mykonos. If you're looking for a good mix of all of the above, this may be island for you.

Please share with us your experiences on the islands and let us know what you thought of these majestic places are. We would love to hear more, even on a personal level for our own trip. We'd love to hear from you!

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